Plunkett UK
MyCake are delighted to partner with Plunkett UK in compiling the data sets for their Better Business Report 2024.
Plunkett’s long running series of reports provide important insight into the development of community owned businesses and in particular those which own an asset (shop, pub, woodland etc) which is run as a trading business to meet the needs of the local community. This means that services are maintained in places and under conditions where market forces alone would not be sufficient to keep them running. This mix of community, volunteering, trading and local purpose ebbs and flows over time and the Better Business reports are an important tracker of financial health and resilience.
Plunkett UK said:
“We engage with community businesses across the country to support those facing difficult times and to mitigate challenges. Having access to accurate, up-to-date information data helps us do this effectively, and it’s been a pleasure to collaborate with MyCake on producing our 2024 ‘Better form of business’ research report. Our partnership this year has been predominantly focused on the financial reporting of community-owned pubs and shops, which are the two largest sectors supported by Plunkett. We hope this work will result in shareable, searchable dashboards to make this information engaging and useable.
This could become a transformative resource for our sector, not only with existing community businesses, but also to support our ambition to see more community-owned businesses integrated into new communities. Being able to plan a community-owned business, at the earliest phases, using the current insights and data from those trading in similar-sized communities elsewhere, would be hugely insightful.”