
Making Data Work - Centre for Cultural Value

Centre For Cultural Value

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The arts, cultural and heritage sectors make significant contributions to people’s lives, society and the economy – so why do we struggle to convey their value?

At the heart of this issue lies a crisis with data. Cultural sector datasets are currently poorly aligned and not always fit for purpose. This fragmented data makes it difficult for the sector to demonstrate its impact.

In 2021, the Centre for Cultural Value led a 15-month scoping study to identify ways the sector might better collect and harness its data. They looked at how to combine quantitative and qualitative data to create a multidimensional understanding of impact. This project culminated in a call to pilot a national cultural data observatory.

Funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), they are now working with MyCake and The Audience Agency on the next steps of developing a blueprint for a UK-wide observatory.

From July 2024 to June 2025, they will investigate the practicalities of establishing an observatory that can gather and analyse smarter data and provide a trusted evidence base for the arts, cultural and heritage sectors. The resulting insight will help underpin better cultural policy for the public good.

Read more about the motivations behind the project in this blog post.