Charities & Community Groups

We help charities and community groups to better understand and act upon financial data from comparative organisations. After all, if you understand the numbers better, you can make your money go further.

Image for Charities & Community Groups

The core of our financial database comes from the annual accounts of thousands of UK-based non-profits. From charities to Community Interest Companies (CICs), from Registered Societies to Community Benefit Societies.

The data we hold covers a huge variety of income types: various forms of grants, cafés, shops, lettings, donations, contracts and well beyond.

The detail on the cost side covers both the direct costs of delivery, and salary data; and indirect costs such as spend on utilities, insurance and so forth.

This means we can compare and contrast any one organisation to a whole series of benchmark groups.

For example, we could compare a café’s income against a whole array of café business models.

We also hold a copy of all of 360Giving’s data. This means we can compare a single organisation’s finances to the business models of organisations which have successfully won grant funding from over a hundred of the UK’s largest funding agencies.

We can also look at the extent to which your sector is represented amongst successful grantees. And can also compare your organisation to others of a similar size, geographic region, IMD decile and so on.

All of this means that we can answer some really important questions for you, such as:

How similar or different is my organisation to the grantees of funder X?
What does ‘normal’ look like for organisations who have successfully developed an income stream from, for example, room hire?
What does a successful café | retail | donations | contracts business model look like?
What do organisations like mine typically spend on salaries | rent | IT | fundraising etc.?
How much grant funding has come into my town | city | region from funder X?
Is this above or below normal when compared to other similar places around the country?
Where are my opportunities for earned income growth?
What will it cost us to realise this potential?
Where can I cut costs with least impact on my ability to deliver core services?
How have other people done this successfully?